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Out parameter is correctly assigned, but caller only sees a NULL. Clue?

I have this procedure that gets dropped/created as part of a T-SQL script - the idea is to insert a parent record, and output its ID to the caller so that I can insert children records using that ID.

if exists (select * from sys.procedures where name = 'InsertCategory')
    drop procedure dbo.InsertCategory;

create procedure dbo.InsertCategory
     @code nvarchar(5)
    ,@englishName nvarchar(50)
    ,@frenchName nvarchar(50)
    ,@timestamp datetime = null
    ,@id int output
as begin

    if @timestamp is null set @timestamp = getdate();

    declare @entity table (_Id int, EntityId uniqueidentifier);
    declare @entityId uniqueidentifier;

    if not exists (select * from dwd.Categories where Code = @code)
    insert into dwd.Categories (_DateInserted, Code, EntityId) 
        output inserted._Id, inserted.EntityId into @entity
        values (@timestamp, @code, newid());
        insert into @entity
        select _Id, EntityId from dwd.Categories where Code = @code;

    set @id = (select _Id from @entity);
    set @entityId = (select EntityId from @entity);

    declare @english int;
    set @english = (select _Id from dbo.Languages where IsoCode = 'en');

    declare @french int;
    set @french = (select _Id from dbo.Languages where IsoCode = 'fr');

    exec dbo.InsertTranslation @entityId, @english, @englishName, @timestamp;
    exec dbo.InsertTranslation @entityId, @french, @frenchName, @timestamp;


Then a little further down the script it's called like this:

declare @ts datetime;
set @ts = getdate();

declare @categoryId int;

exec dbo.InsertCategory 'C1', 'Category1', 'Catégorie1', @ts, @categoryId;
exec dbo.InsertSubCategory 'SC1', @categoryId, 'Description (EN)', 'Description (FR)', @ts

When I debug the script and step through line by line, I can see that dbo.InsertCategory correctly assigns the @id out parameter, which the script sees as @categoryId - the problem is that @categoryId is always null, and so I'm not getting anything inserted into dwd.SubCategories.

What am I doing wrong?


  • You need to mention the @categoryId parameter as OUTPUT while calling the procedure else it is not going to return the value. Call the procedure like this

    exec dbo.InsertCategory 'C1', 'Category1', 'Catégorie1', @ts, @categoryId OUTPUT;


    CREATE PROCEDURE Procd (@a INT, @b INT output)
          SELECT @b = @a
    DECLARE @new INT
    EXEC Procd 1,@new 
    SELECT @new -- NULL
    EXEC Procd 1,@new OUTPUT 
    SELECT @new -- 1