The easiest way to explain my question is with an example.
I have an array in Perl with a set of intervals, and I need to obtain the complementary intervals, in other words, the anti-image of that set. From:
@ary1 = qw(23-44 85-127 168-209)
Printed intervals: 23-44, 85-127, 168-209.
Transform it to:
...-22, 45-84, 128-167, 210-...
If the intervals are already sorted and don't overlap:
use warnings;
use strict;
use List::MoreUtils qw{ natatime };
my @ary1 = qw(23-44 85-127 168-209);
my $diff = 1;
my $pair = natatime 2, '...',
map({ map { $diff *= -1; $_ + $diff }
split /-/
} @ary1),
my @compl;
while (my ($from, $to) = $pair->()) {
push @compl, "$from-$to";
print "@compl\n";
...-22 45-84 128-167 210-...