I am learning qml
and pyqt5
and write a small test script.
In this script, I want to drop something on my UI and print the url of it.
import QtQuick 2.3
Rectangle {
id : root
signal clicked(int x, int y)
signal filedroped(list url)
width: 800
height: 450
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
parent.clicked(mouseX, mouseY)
DropArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onDropped: {
The doc says:Any of the QML Basic Types aside from the enumeration type can be used as custom property types.
But I got error like this in signal filedroped
Invalid signal parameter type: list
Also, I have tried urllist
and string
failed and string
What's wrong with my script?
Since I use qml with pyqt, I do not want to use the type var
With var, I'll got a QJSValue
object instead of basic type of python in my python script.
Why qml performs different with the official document? Is the document wrong?
It seems on there's indeed an error in the Qt Documentation. It is said (here) that
the allowed parameter types [for signal parameters] are the same as those listed under Defining Property Attributes on this page.
Yet one can define a property as follow:
property list<Item> items
whereas this is invalid:
signal mysignal(list<Item> items)
But anyway, the QML list type was not a solution. The official documentation is quite clear:
A list can only store QML objects, and cannot contain any basic type values. (To store basic types within a list, use the var type instead.).
In other words you can't use list
to store strings, url, int. You have to use var
. Another solution would be to use a formatted string with a custom separator instead of your url list, and split it on the Python side.