I got a field status has three value : 0 pendding 1 accept 2 refuse
i want to add it on grid view but with image instead of numbers :
if 0 select.png
if 1 ok.png
if 2 no.png
i tried this code but didnt see the picture :
<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl='~/img/<%# (Eval("id") == "1") ? "ok.png" : "" ; %>'></asp:Image>
what should i do ?? and how to add three condition ?
You can do this in two different way:-
1st Way:--
Use the TemplateColumn instead of bound column, and include <asp:image>
control in it. And then add the OnRowDataBound event to Grid.
Then attach your Images, based on your if statement.
Sample Code under GridView_RowDataBound
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
Image i = (Image)e.Row.FindControl("image");
//include your if statement here, and set ImageUrl
i.ImageUrl = "select.png";
2nd Way Add ImageField in GridView under Template Column
<asp:Image HeaderText='Status'
ImageUrl='<%# ImageDisplay(Eval("Status").ToString()) %>' />
and You'd then need a method like the following in your codebehind:
protected string ImageDisplay(string status)
///write you if condition and return image path url
//return "~\select.png";