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Cleartool move moves only top directory

We're trying to move a bunch of folders from one location to another in our vob. The process is that:

  • we check out the target parent folder
  • check out the source parent parent folder
  • ct mv source target

This unfortunately fails with moving only the top folder in the tree... On the other hand ct relocate works fine and we avoid checking out thousands of vob elements. Are there any drawbacks with that command? We assume that the source and the target are in the same vob.


  • We assume that the source and the target are in the same vob.

    Then cleartool mv is enough: see "To move an element within a VOB"

    It won't move just the top element.

    As mentioned in "Relocating elements to another VOB":

    The relocate command does not do any of the following:

    • Relocate elements when either the source or the target VOB is a UCM component VOB or PVOB.
    • Move view-private files and nonversioned DOs stored in relocated directories.
    • Move elements to a new location in the same VOB. (Use cleartool mv for this purpose.)