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How to distinguish application state and resource state

I know that to make a stateless application, we need to transfer the user state back and forth instead of server holds the user state.

However, there must be some states stored in the server, I read this article that the state stored in server is called resource state.So if I am right, client state which we often call should be the same as application state.

So, how do I distinguish these two, since it will determine that whether they should stored in server or transferred.

Take a shopping cart as an example.

  1. If there is 5 steps before a user to complete his purchase, the user's phase where he is(#3,#4) in seems to be an application state, but does this mean if they close the browser and click on pay again, he will have to start from the step1?

  2. What about the items in his chart? If we treat it as application state, we need to put all of the items in the request. But if we do this, when user close the browser and login again, he will not able to find his items again, since the browser can not remember all the items. So it seems we should treat it as a resource state. But if so, when a user click on pay , they will have a different page: go to pay or say "your cart is empty" based on whether his shopping cart is empty or not. So , the same requests with exactly the same param input, comes out the different result, can we still say it is stateless?

Maybe I understand something wrong, can any body please answer how to distinguish different kinds of state and how to treat them differently?


  • Resource state is a state that needs to be persistent and survivable even after client disconnect/restart/session end/whatever. Application state should live on the client and should be supplied with each client request(if we are talking about REST architecture and planning to scale our application well).

    How to distinguish application state and resource state?

    It depends on the task your are working on. E.g. if you are trying to figure out where to save index of the picture that is currently viewed in your gallery, probably, you could do it in your Application state, because you, likely, don't need this state to survive for the next session of this client. Of course, you can save it in your Resource state(database), but it would be overhead(a lot of effort for a very small gain).

    But if your are working on multistep purchasing process, probably, it's better to save state of this process in your Resource state(database), because you want this state to be saved permanently. Otherwise, your clients need to refill a lot of information after disconnect/restart/whatever. Of course you could do it in cookies for example(and it would be Application state), and this state can live after browser restart. But it has the two downsides: 1)This state unavailable on other user's devices, 2)If you are creating genuine REST service, cookies would complicate client's life, because not all clients operate cookies well(except browsers).