I want to clarify a few things about loops in procedural programming. So, I'm doing a unit on procedural programming in my IT course at sixth form and we need to write about three different types of loops, these are "Fixed for loop", "Pre-check while loop" and "Post-check while loop". I think I have an idea of what these are however, I cannot find sufficient evidence to back up what I think I know.
Fixed for loop: I think the fixed for loop is what I call the "generic" for loop, I think that this is where you define the counter variable with the for loop e.g.:
for (int i=0; i <= 6; i++ ){
print("Iteration " + i);
Pre-defined while loop: I think this is a while loop where the counter is defined before the loop itself e.g.:
int counter = 0;
while ( i <= 10){
print ( "Iteration " + i);
i ++;
However, if the above is true then I don't understand what a post-defined while loop would be. If anyone would be kind enough to clarify what each of these loops are, I would much appreciate it.
My question in case it's not clear: What do the following loops do and how are they defined: "Fixed for loop", "Pre-defined while" and "Post-defined while"
You can use a do...while loop which is basically the same as a while but the condition comes at the end rather than at the start.
int i = 0;
do {
print ( "Iteration " + i);
i ++;
} while ( i <= 10)
It's very useful if you want to perform a block of code at least once before checking the condition.