I wrote an application which has an Image which fit to the whole screen. The Image.resource is a png with the size 768x1024 pixel.
android:src="@drawable/imagepng" />
The code to animate this Imageview is as follows:
public void animate(int percent) {
height = imgage1.getMeasuredHeight()/100;
ObjectAnimator anim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(ActivityMain.this.imgage1, "translationY",ActivityMain.this.imgage1.getTranslationY(), - (percent*height));
anim.setInterpolator(new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator());
unfortunately the animation stutters. I thought this stuttering comes from the scaletype "fitXY" because on every animationstepp the Imageview scales the png. What can I do if I want to use fitXY with one PNG for all Windowsizes to eleminate the stuttering
Meanwhile I have found the reason why the animation is stuttering:
Because the scaletype of the Imageview is set to fitXY, the system renders on each frame a new scaled bitmap, that costs much performance. So I dont attach the Bitmap by XML to the Imageview,. This work is done by a ncustom ImageView-Class:
public class CustomImageView extends ImageView {
Bitmap bitmapScaled;
Bitmap bitmapOrg;
public CustomImageView (Context context,AttributeSet attr) {
Resources mRes = context.getResources();
bitmapOrg = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mRes, R.drawable.thepng);
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas){
canvas.drawBitmap(bitmapScaled,0, 0, null);
protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec){
super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
if(bitmapScaled == null) {
bitmapScaled = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmapOrg,getMeasuredWidth(),getMeasuredHeight(),true);