Search code examples

Unable to return List<FileInfo> object

I am trying to return a list of type FileInfo by searching an arbitrary directory recursively. However, in my main() method, when I check to see the count of FoundFiles, it is 0 meaning I returned an empty object. See Code below:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class FindExtensions
    private static List<FileInfo> SearchFileSystem(DirectoryInfo DirInfo, List<FileInfo> FileList)
        List<FileInfo> FileInfoList = new List<FileInfo>();
            foreach (DirectoryInfo SubdirInfo in DirInfo.GetDirectories())
                SearchFileSystem(SubdirInfo, FileList);
            // do some stuff
            foreach (FileInfo File in DirInfo.GetFiles())
            // do some stuff

        foreach (FileInfo f in FileInfoList)

        return FileInfoList;


    static void Main()

        DirectoryInfo dir_info = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\<whatever>");
        List<FileInfo> file_list = new List<FileInfo>();

        List<FileInfo> FoundFiles = SearchFileSystem(dir_info, file_list);

        Console.WriteLine("Count is: " + FoundFiles.Count);

        //^^^^ this returns 0...why is it empty?

        Console.WriteLine("This is the debug mode. Press key to restart");

I added a for loop in the SearchFileSystem method to check the contents of FileInfoList before I return it, and it will contain files. However, it contains nothing in main. I'm new to the nuances of C#, so apologies if this is quite easy.

Also, it is worth noting that if I use type List with string instead of FileInfo, this works just fine. Hoping to use a List of type FileInfo if possible.



  • Why not just use the GetFiles() method and let it do the work for you

    static void Main()
        DirectoryInfo dir_info = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\<whatever>");
        List<FileInfo> file_list = new List<FileInfo>();
        //This will add all the files in all directories. You can customize the search from here as well.
        file_list.AddRange(dir_info.GetFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
        Console.WriteLine("Count is: " + file_list.Count);
        //^^^^ this returns 0...why is it empty?
        Console.WriteLine("This is the debug mode. Press key to restart");

    But! In answer to your question, you are calling List<FileInfo> FoundFiles = new List<FileInfo>(); every time you call SearchFileSystem(...). Then you call the method recursively but don't use any of the results from there.

    If you want to use your existing code, here are the necessary changes I'd make:

    private static void SearchFileSystem(DirectoryInfo DirInfo, List<FileInfo> FileList)
            foreach (DirectoryInfo SubdirInfo in DirInfo.GetDirectories())
                SearchFileSystem(SubdirInfo, FileList);
            // do some stuff
        //Since we are passing in FileList, let's use it instead of a new list.
            foreach (FileInfo File in DirInfo.GetFiles())
            // do some stuff
        foreach (FileInfo f in FileList)
    static void Main()
        DirectoryInfo dir_info = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\<whatever>");
        List<FileInfo> file_list = new List<FileInfo>();
        SearchFileSystem(dir_info, file_list);
        Console.WriteLine("Count is: " + FoundFiles.Count);
        //^^^^ this returns 0...why is it empty?
        Console.WriteLine("This is the debug mode. Press key to restart");