I am generating a pdf from the mPDF
library using the Yii
framework. For this PDF I need to add charts generated on the server, so I'm using the pChart
library to generate them. I created a simple object class to set the pChart
properties in an easier way for the PDF.
This is the class object:
Class Chart {
protected $fontsFolder = null;
protected $data = array();
protected $resolution = array();
public $chartType = null;
public $fontSize = 18;
public $displayValues = false;
public $dirFile = null;
function __construct() {
Yii::import('application.vendors.pChart.class.*', true);
$this->fontsFolder = Yii::getPathOfALias('application.vendors.pChart.fonts');
// Set data points
public function data($data) {
throw new CException('Data array missing');
throw new CException('Data must be an array');
$this->data[] = $data;
// Set label points
public function labels($labels) {
throw new CException('Labels data must be assgined');
throw new CException('Labels data must be an array');
throw new CException('Labels data is already assigned');
$this->data['labels'] = $labels;
// Set resolution image
public function resolution($x, $y) {
if(isset($x) && isset($y)) {
if(is_array($x) && is_array($y))
throw new CException('Array to String error');
$this->resolution['x'] = $x;
$this->resolution['y'] = $y;
} else
throw new CException('Resolution data missing');
public function Debug() {
var_dump($this->fontsFolder, $this->data, $this->resolution);
// Render chart with given data
public function renderChart() {
throw new CException('Data property must be assigned');
throw new CException('Resolution property must be assigned');
throw new CException('Chart type cannot be null');
throw new CException('Directory file must be assigned');
protected function render() {
switch ($this->chartType) {
case 'lineChart':
throw new CEXception('"'.$this->chartType.'" is not a valid chart type');
protected function lineChart() {
$data = new pData();
foreach($this->data as $key => $value) {
$data->addPoints($this->data['labels'], 'labels');
$picture = new pImage($this->resolution['x'], $this->resolution['y'], $data);
$picture->setFontProperties(array('FontName'=>$this->fontsFolder.'/Forgotte.ttf'), $this->fontSize);
$picture->setGraphArea(60, 40, 970, 190);
And here is how I'm instantiating the object with PDF settings:
Class SeguimientoController extends Controller {
// public $layout = '//layouts/column2';
public function actionIndex() {
// Cargar libreria pdf y estilos
$mPDF = Yii::app()->ePdf->mpdf();
$mPDF->debug = true;
$mPDF->showImageErrors = true;
$stylesheet = file_get_contents(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.css.reporte') . '/main.css');
$mPDF->WriteHTML($stylesheet, 1);
// Generate first chart
$chart = new Chart;
$chart->Labels(array('asd', 'dead', 'eads', 'daed', 'fasd'));
$chart->resolution(1000, 200);
$chart->chartType = 'lineChart';
$chart->displayValues = true;
$chart->dirFile = Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.images').'/chart.png';
$mPDF->WriteHTml(CHtml::image('/basedato1/images/chart.png', 'chart'), 2);
// Generate second chart
$chart1 = new Chart;
$chart1->Labels(array('asd', 'dead', 'eads', 'daed', 'fasd'));
$chart1->resolution(1000, 200);
$chart1->chartType = 'lineChart';
$chart1->displayValues = true;
$chart1->dirFile = Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.images').'/chart.png';
$mPDF->WriteHTml(CHtml::image('/basedato1/images/chart.png', 'chart'), 2);
By testing the output of the view step by step, everything goes fine, the chart is rendered and saved as a temp file so the pdf can gather it. But when I have to render the second chart, I get a fatal error.
I have tried creating another class to be accessed by static functions because I thought the error could be made from multiple instances of the same object. But again, on second render I get the same error.
Just in case, if you need to know how the error outputs, here it is: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class pDraw in C:\Servidor\basedato1\protected\vendors\pChart\class\pDraw.class.php on line 104
Use include_once
instead of include