I'm trying to add text to a polyline icons property.
The icon's path property can follow the SVG path notation. What I'm looking for is an svg representation using path notation for letters A-Z and numbers 0-9.
SO is not a search-engine for any kind of ressources, here an explanation how you may easily create these paths on your own instead(using inkscape )
Instead of saving the SVG you may also use the code-explorer to get the path (CTRL+SHIFT+X)
2 samples created via this method:
m 0,28.362183 10.996094,-28.63281288 4.082031,0 11.71875,28.63281288 -4.316406,0 -3.339844,-8.671875 -11.9726563,0 -3.1445312,8.671875 z m 8.2617188,-11.757813 9.7070312,0 -2.988281,-7.9296874 c -0.911473,-2.4088321 -1.588555,-4.3879967 -2.03125,-5.9375 -0.364596,1.8359613 -0.878919,3.6588762 -1.542969,5.46875 z
M 0,28.362183 0,24.846558 14.667969,6.5067139 c 1.04165,-1.3020602 2.031232,-2.4348716 2.96875,-3.3984375 l -15.9765628,0 0,-3.37890628 20.5078128,0 0,3.37890628 -16.074219,19.8632816 -1.7382813,2.011718 18.2812503,0 0,3.378907 z