I need to programmatically modify the Title property of a couple hundred WMA files that I have.
I've been banging my head against the wall trying to handle this for a little while now. There are a few libraries that claim to be able to handle this, but the documentation is extremely poor. I have downloaded NAudio, and suspect there is a way there of handling what I need, but again the documentation is woefully inadequate to the task.
Does anyone have any insight to how to modify the extended properties of an existing WMA file?
I found a project on sourceforge that got me to the point of being able to modify the title property as needed.
The project is located here: http://professionaltag.sourceforge.net/
The source code example is a solution with multiple projects. For me, I ended up not making use the UI the author provided, and rolled my own around the appropriate classes. What I needed was in the "Tag" project, specifically the Tags.ASF.ASFTagInfo class. The class can either be used as-is, or dissected if necessary. I used it without modification.
I offer below the method I use to modify the track info. For my purposes, I only want to modify the track name if the last 2 characters of the file name are digits, but the concept is the same for whatever changes you want to make.
private void ModifyTrackInfo(string PathToWMA)
// "Last()" is an extension method on string defined elsewhere in project
// it simply get the to get the specified number of trailing characters of a string
string last2String = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(PathToWMA).Last(2);
int last2Int;
if (int.TryParse(last2String, out last2Int))
Tags.ASF.ASFTagInfo tagInfo = new Tags.ASF.ASFTagInfo(PathToWMA, true);
tagInfo.ContentDescription.Title = string.Format("Track {0}", last2String);