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Opensource like Camtasia Studio

i used to create a tutorial video with camtasia studio, but curious to know if opensource have application that provide abilities like camtasia studio have such as - keep track action happen during recording. can produce video that zoom to part i want. - Display the text of screencast as an overlay or below the video. - With just one click, video is on its way to YouTube .


  • After searching a bit online, here's what I come up with:

    It can create video recordings off your screen, and generate swf's to easily inject them into websites.
    It's able to add nice, anti-aliased screen captions to the video, and even supports picture-in-picture video (screen caption + video of you through the webcam)
    You can record the whole screen, or just a portion of it.. I'm not sure if it supports zooming-in to sub areas while live recoding, but even if it doesn't - it's easy to emulate this using Windows 7 zoom (or if you don't use Win7 with tools like ZoomIt from Sysinternals
    It comes with it's own free codec as well.

    It's all 100% free, open source and licensed under GPL, woo!! :D

    P.S. I'm in no way affiliated with them.. I just found it myself :)