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Included SQL fragment doesn't substitute parameter

My mapper interface looks like this.

public interface CommonMapper {
    long selectSequenceNumber(String sequenceName);

And I prepared sql mapper looks like this.

<sql id="sequenceNumber">
    <when test="_databaseId == 'derby'">
      VALUES NEXT VALUE FOR #{sequenceName}
      SELECT #{sequenceName}.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL
<select id="selectSequenceNumber" resultType="_long">
  <!--<include refid="....mapper.CommonMapper.sequenceNumber"/>-->
  <include refid="sequenceNumber"/>

When I test mapper #{sequenceName} part is not substituted with given.

14:36:09.492 [main] DEBUG ....selectSequenceNumber - ==>  Preparing: VALUES NEXT VALUE FOR ? 
14:36:09.724 [main] ERROR ....PersistenceTests - failed to apply function for SqlSession
### Error querying database.  Cause: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Syntax error: Encountered "?" at line 1, column 23.
### The error may exist in .../CommonMapper.xml
### The error may involve ....CommonMapper.selectSequenceNumber
### The error occurred while executing a query
### Cause: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Syntax error: Encountered "?" at line 1, column 23.

Is this normal? How can I fix this?


  • You need to use string substitution ${sequenceName} instead of setting the parameter with #{} for direct string placement in your queries (such as for giving object names, dynamic sql etc...)

    <sql id="sequenceNumber">
        <when test="_databaseId == 'derby'">
          VALUES NEXT VALUE FOR ${sequenceName}
          SELECT ${sequenceName}.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL
    <select id="selectSequenceNumber" resultType="_long">
      <!--<include refid="....mapper.CommonMapper.sequenceNumber"/>-->
      <include refid="sequenceNumber"/>