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multiple view controllers involved, how to send a value back to starting view controller?

I am very new to iOS and overwhelmed with resources I find online. My use case is simple

a.) ViewController parent has label called categoryLabel. A tap on label category opens a new view View 1
b.) View 1, shows all groups. Lets says A, B, C. This will be shown on table
c.) when user click on any group A, B or C, a new view View 2 appears with all categories in that group. For example, user clicks on A and on View 2 user sees categories A1, A2, A3. d.) Now when user clicks on any specific category, how does that goes back to ViewController parent and assigns to categoryLabel?

I do not know what is the best way to approach this design. Any guidance is very much appreciated


  • hope this will help

    let take an example , your are going from A -> B and want send some data from B to A , there are many technique to do that but using delegate method and block are nicer way.

    delegate way :-

    in your B.h file

    @protocol yourDelegate <NSObject>
    -(void)whichCategoryClicked:(NSString *)categoryName;
    @interface B : UIView
    @property(nonatomic, assign)id<yourDelegate> delegate;

    in your B.m

    just call this delegate method after Clicking particular category.

    [self.delegate whichCategoryClicked :@"Category_name"];

    in your A.h

    assign it as delegate and import the above class

    @interface A.h : UIViewController<yourDelegate>

    and in Implement this method in A.m

    first in your viewdidload


     B *objB = [[B alloc]init];
        objB.delegate = self;


    -(void)whichCategoryClicked:(NSString *)categoryName
    categoryLabel.text = categoryName;