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Calculating essential matrix using rotation, translation and camera parameters

I am performing 3d reconstruction using two views. Initially, I have rotation, translation and camera parameter matrices.

R=[ 1 0 0;
    0 0.9 -0.25;
    0 0.2 0.96]
t=[ 0.5; -10; 2.75];
Kleft= [-1000 0 511;
         0 -1000 383;
         0  0    1];
Kright=[-500 0 319;
         0 -500 119;
         0 0 1];

How to find essential matrix using them?


  • You need to invert the camera matrices to get to normalized image coordinates, so it is:

    E = inv(transpose(Kleft)) * R * Tx * inv(Kright)

    where Tx is the matrix representation of the cross product by t:

    Tx = [ 0    -t(3)  t(2)
           t(3)  0    -t(1)
          -t(2)  t(1)   0 ] 

    See this wikipedia article