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Anytime Picker: Month table is not in a table form, but its inline downwards

im using the current css and js from

Basically the month table is not suppose to look like this. Some how it displays inline downwards. Can i get some help with this. Im thinking it should be the CSS that is the problem. Thanks

anytime.5.0.5.css anytime.5.0.5.js

See here: enter image description here

String selectTime ="chooseTime";

var anytimeFormat = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s";
var anytimeFormatConverter = new AnyTime.Converter({format:anytimeFormat}); 

AnyTime.picker( "<%=selectTime%>", { 
    format: anytimeFormat, 
    firstDOW: 1

<input id="chooseTime" name="chooseTime" type="text" maxlength="16" size="16" value=""> &nbsp;(DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss)<br />


  • Problems like that are typically caused by a missing or incorrect DOCTYPE declaration. Did you try following the Troubleshooting Tips at ?

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