im using the current css and js from
Basically the month table is not suppose to look like this. Some how it displays inline downwards. Can i get some help with this. Im thinking it should be the CSS that is the problem. Thanks
anytime.5.0.5.css anytime.5.0.5.js
See here:
String selectTime ="chooseTime";
var anytimeFormat = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s";
var anytimeFormatConverter = new AnyTime.Converter({format:anytimeFormat});
AnyTime.picker( "<%=selectTime%>", {
format: anytimeFormat,
firstDOW: 1
<input id="chooseTime" name="chooseTime" type="text" maxlength="16" size="16" value=""> (DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss)<br />
Problems like that are typically caused by a missing or incorrect DOCTYPE declaration. Did you try following the Troubleshooting Tips at ?
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