am using filestream with file handle to communicate with USB HID Device the Device Resend The Report (array of byte[64]) As It's Received. receive method occurs in another thread that fires an event when reports is read ,,
Every attempt sends ONLY ONE "Report" first attempt is Ok ,, 1 Report received but when i send again it reads it twice ! (is it available twice in the filestream ??) on the next attempt the event fires twice again ! after that it add it three times for the next 3 attempts
attempt 1 1 report received
attempt 2 2 reports received
attempt 3 2 reports received
attempt 3 3 reports received
attempt 4 3 reports received
attempt 5 3 reports received
attempt 6 4 reports received
attempt 7 4 reports received
any more reports sent cause 4 reports received is there ANY logical description for this ?
private void WriteData(object Data)
byte[] data = Data as byte[];
int bytesSent = 0;
while (bytesSent < data.Length)
byte [] OutputReportBuffer = new byte[64];
for (int i = 0; i < OutputReportBuffer.Length; i++)
if (bytesSent < data.Length)
OutputReportBuffer[i] = data[bytesSent];
else OutputReportBuffer[i] = 0;
fileStream.Write(OutputReportBuffer, 0, OutputReportBuffer.Length);
catch///deducted code
here where its received (separate thread that fires event when data is read)
private void ReadData()
while (true)
if (fileStream.Read(ReceivedDataBuffer, 0, ReceivedDataBuffer.Length) > 0)
_Context.Send(o =>
if (DataReceived != null)
DataReceived(this, new DataReceivedEventArgs(ReceivedDataBuffer));
}, null);
catch //deducted code
You are not using the return value of Read
to find out how many bytes you actually got.