I work on a project which uses Google's closure compiler with advanced optimizations turned on. I would like to include moment.js in the compilation, however all of my attempts have been fruitless.
I have tried exporting the moment function, but there are still run time problems, and a some compile errors.
Has anyone successfully compiled moment.js with advanced optimizations, or know how to do so?
The only solution I can come up with, is to concatenate the minified file to the compiled source and use externs for every function I use from moment.js. But this is not an ideal solution.
I saw two issues with the code which would have to be corrected before momentjs would be compatible with ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS. There may be more, but these were the glaring ones:
would need to be replaced with .prototype
method hides definitions from the compiler. All uses of the extend
helper function would have to be refactored so that they do not hide the property assignments from the compiler.