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When is preferredContentSize respected?

I have a table view controller which get it's content set after viewDidLoad. When setting the new content I calculate the preferredContentSize. Before I present the popover I can query the preferredContentSize of my view controller, which is correct. But after the presentation I get the standard size of the popover (320x480). If I use setPopoverContentSize:animated: with the before queried values everything works.

My question now is why doesn't it respect the preferredContentSize right in the beginning? What I'm doing wrong?


  • Now I had the same problem another time. If I put my table height calculation into viewWillAppear than it works:

    public override void ViewWillAppear (bool animated)
        base.ViewWillAppear (animated);
        TableView.LayoutIfNeeded ();
        this.PreferredContentSize = new SizeF (320f, TableView.ContentSize.Height);

    The code is in C# but you can easily convert it to Objective-C or Swift.