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Resolution to assign to the bug when reopened not working on mantisbt

the default in config_defaults_inc.php suggests that any reopened bug/issue in Mantis gets given the resolution REOPENED, i've changed this in the file to OPEN but this seems to have no affect when reopening a closed bug/issue.

We have a button on our bug/issues that allow for a previously closed issue to be reopened Status changed from closed to acknowledge, however our resolution field keeps the previous value (in our case fixed but we would like it to be open

the function in html_api.php for this button is

`function html_button_bug_reopen( $p_bug_id ) { $t_status = bug_get_field( $p_bug_id, 'status' ); $t_project = bug_get_field( $p_bug_id, 'project_id' ); $t_reopen_status = config_get( 'bug_reopen_status', null, null, $t_project );

if( access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'reopen_bug_threshold', null, null, $t_project ), $p_bug_id ) ||
(( bug_get_field( $p_bug_id, 'reporter_id' ) == auth_get_current_user_id() ) && ( ON == config_get( 'allow_reporter_reopen', null, null, $t_project ) ) ) ) {
    html_button( 'bug_change_status_page.php', lang_get( 'reopen_bug_button' ), 
    array( 'id' => $p_bug_id, 'new_status' => $t_reopen_status, 'reopen_flag' => ON ) );

} `

adding 'resolution' => '10', to the array (10 being the value for Open) doesn't do anything. Is this a bug with mantisBT or does anyone know how to make this possible, ideally without editing the core files.



  • turns out the resolution flag is changed automatically on another version on mantisBT i have installed. just not this one for some reason.

    so will close this as the answer.