I would like to calculate variables AR_1 to AR_99 based upon the formula
AR_(i) = 0.5*(ADM_(i) + ADM_(j))
where j=i+1 (ADM_1 to ADM_100 already exist in the dataset). Using the following do loop however I get an error as SAS does not recognise the variable j.
%macro do_loop;
data testdo;
set Popn99;
%do i = 1 %to 99;
AR_&i. = 0.5 * (ADM_&i. + ADM_&j.);
%mend do_loop;
%macro do_loop;
data testdo;
set Popn99;
%do i = 1 %to 99;
AR_&i. = 0.5 * (ADM_&i. + ADM_%eval(&i.+1) );
%mend do_loop;
Remember that SAS Macro code writes TEXT only. So the following assignment, should it have resolved (which it wouldn't as the "J" macro variable didn't exist), would have assigned a value to a "column".
That could not have then been re-used as a macro variable in the subsequent step.
To generalise - SAS Macro language writes SAS Programs (base code) which then subsequently execute to produce results..