I have several modules that require some template partials to be loaded whenever the module is used. I am storing these files in a folder called partials inside each module subfolder. My starting point for my app is meanjs, and I am storing partials file are in public/modules//partials/*.html.
I have seen several ng-include and directive examples, but being new to AngularJS each sample I read confuses me further as to what is best practice / most AngularJS appropriate way to do this.
Store your partials whenever you wants. To load them all use angular template cache.
Use Grunt or gulp to generate automatically. Personally I use gulp.
Here is my working example of one of my project.
install nodejs and npm
npm intall gulp -g
npm install gulp-angular-templatecache
create gulpfile.js
var templateCache = require('gulp-angular-templatecache'),
watch = require('gulp-watch');
gulp.task('generate', function () {
.pipe(templateCache('templates.js', {module: 'YOURMODULENAME', standalone: false}))
gulp.task('watch-partials', function () {
gulp.watch('public/*/partials/*.html', ['generate']);
then use it like this:
gulp generate
- to regenerate partials
gulp watch-partials
- watch file changes, if partials are changed it automatically run generate
task for you. :)
One more thing, dont forget to include template.js in your html file
<script src="public/js/template.js"></script>
Every time you change your partial dont forget to regenerate your template cache.