Please, can anybody tell me, how I can take logarithm from every value in SFrame, graphlab (or DataFrame, pandas) column, without to iterate through the whole length of the SFrame column? I specially interest on similar functionality, like by Groupby Aggregators for the log-function. Couldn't find it someself...
Important: Please, I don't interest for the for-loop
iteration for the whole length of the column. I only interest for specific function, which transform all values to the log-values for the whole column.
I'm also very sorry, if this function is in the manual. Please, just give me a link...
provides implementations for a wide number of basic mathematical transformations. You can use those on all data structures that build on numpy's ndarray
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = pd.Series([np.exp(1), np.exp(2), np.exp(3)])
0 1
1 2
2 3
dtype: float64
This example is for pandas
data types, but it works for all data structures that are based on numpy