I am trying to integrate Google-docs UI with ASP.NET Web application.
In this files are stored on our file storage and We want to open Google Docs Editor to edit the word/excel/PPT files.
As a part of POC for this requirement, I am doing below:
Uploading file into Google Drive using below code:
Dim objInsert As Google.Apis.Drive.v2.FilesResource.InsertMediaUpload = objDriveService.Files.Insert(objFile, objStream, sMimeType)
objInsert.Convert = True
Getting response after upload and using objFile.AlternateLink
property to open the Editor to edit file.
I am facing the issue to download the file when I am using
objInsert.Convert = True
. when I am making the call to File object
my Download URL (objFile.DownloadUrl
) is not returning it is set
with Null. If I don't use the objInsert.Convert = True
then I
am getting Download URL but problem is then AlternateLink open the
file in View mode with various option, I want the URL to open it
directly in editor.
Please suggest what am I missing here.
UPDATE: this was already asked here: DownloadUrl missing from metadata for file on Google Drive API
I think it is the expected behaviour. You can't directly download a Google file type, you have to export it to some compatible format.