I'm trying to set up the following constraints:
is there any way to do this without typing out all the terms E1A, E2A,...,E3C
? I tried doing
for i from 0 to 3 do (assume(EiA::integer)) end do
as a shortcut, but Maple didn't like that, presumably because it didn't view the i
as an indexing variable.
You can form names by concatenation.
assume( seq( cat(`E`,i,`A`)::integer, i=1..3 ) );
And now, to test,
[ seq( cat(`E`,i,`A`), i=1..3 ) ]:
map( about, % ):
Originally E1A, renamed E1A~:
is assumed to be: integer
Originally E2A, renamed E2A~:
is assumed to be: integer
Originally E3A, renamed E3A~:
is assumed to be: integer
You can also nest seq
, eg,
assume( seq( seq( cat(`E`,i,abc)::integer, i=1..3), abc=[A,B,C] ) );
[ seq( seq( cat(`E`,i,abc), i=1..3), abc=[A,B,C] ) ]:
map( about, % ):