I'm sure my variable declarations and defintions are all over the place but thats not the point. For this assignment, we were given a main cpp file which we could not edit and have to make a header and class cpp file. I'm getting unresolved external symbol errors and can't seem to figure it out. Here's the code:
#include "stdafx.h" // Defines external definiton files required
#include <iostream> // Defines objects and classes used for stream I/O
#include <iomanip> // Defines output stream manipulators
#include "RestaurantCheck.h"
int main()
// Variable Declarations
double taxRate;
double tipRate;
// Display a description of the solution
cout << "PROG-111: Project #8, Version 2 Solution\n\n";
{ // Solicit the tax rate, as a percntage, from the User
cout << "Enter the tax rate, as a %: ";
cin >> taxRate;
} while (!RestaurantCheck::testTaxRate(taxRate));
{ // Solicit the tip, as a percntage, from the User
cout << "Enter the tip, as a %: ";
cin >> tipRate;
} while (!RestaurantCheck::testTipRate(tipRate));
// Instantiate a Restuarant Check object
RestaurantCheck order(taxRate, tipRate);
if (!order.placeOrder())
cout << "\nYou have elected NOT to enter an Order!" << endl;
{ // An Order was successfully entered...
cin.ignore(cin.rdbuf()->in_avail(), '\n');
cout << "\nPress \"Enter\" when ready for the customer's check: ";
// Display the Customer's Check
// This prevents the Visual Studio Console Window from closing during
// debug mode.
// This next statement purges any characters, if any, remaining in the
// Console input buffer, BEFORE "cin.get()" looks for the "new line" character
cin.ignore(cin.rdbuf()->in_avail(), '\n');
cout << "\nPress \"Enter\" to Exit the program: ";
return 0;
#include <string>
#include "stdafx.h"
class RestaurantCheck
static double custTip; //assigned to given tip amount
static double custTax; // assigned to given tax amount
const static int maxNum = 12; // array limiter
const static int userLim = 5; //limits user choices to 5 max
const static double menuPrice[maxNum]; //menu price array
const static std::string menuDesc[maxNum]; //menu description array
double userChoice[userLim]; //array to hold user choices
double calculateTax(); //calculates tax
double calculateTip(); //calculates tip
static bool testTaxRate(double tempTax); //function to test tax
static bool testTipRate(double tempTip); //function to test tip
bool placeOrder(); //function to assign to user order arrays
void presentMenu(); //displays the menu
void issueCheck(); //displays user receipt
RestaurantCheck::RestaurantCheck() //default constructor
custTip = 0.15;
custTax = 0.065;
RestaurantCheck(double taxRate, double tipRate) //user answer constructor
custTax = (taxRate / 100);
custTip = (tipRate / 100);
and RestaurantCheck.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "RestaurantCheck.h"
using namespace std;
int orderTotal = 0; //totals the number of items ordered
double custTip = 0;
double custTax = 0;
double subTip; //assigned to calculated tip
double subTax; // assigned to calculated tax
const static int maxNum = 12; // array limiter
const static int userLim = 5; //limits user choices to 5 max
double subtotal; //used in calctip & calctax
double total; //used to display final total
int menuCount; //for loop counters
int orderCount; //for loop counters
double menuPrice[maxNum] = { 0, 1.25, 4.25, 5.75, 7.95, 6.95, 2.50, 1.95, 4.25, 5.25, 6.25, 0 }; //menu price array
const static std::string menuDesc[maxNum] = {" ", "Eggroll", "Pot Stickers", "Terriyaki Chicken", "Terriyaki Pork",
"Terriyaki Beef", "Wonton Soup", "Egg Drop Soup", "Chicken Fried Rice",
"Pork Fried Rice", "Veggie Fried Rice", "To finish the order choose this option." }; //menu description array
double userChoice[userLim]; //Users array for ordering
bool RestaurantCheck::testTaxRate(double tax) //tax tester return bool
if (tax >= 0.01 && tax <= 0.12)
return true;
} else {
return false;
return false;
bool RestaurantCheck::testTipRate(double tip) //tip tester return bool
if (tip >= 0.05 && tip <= 0.20)
return true;
} else {
return false;
return false;
void RestaurantCheck::presentMenu() //displays the menu
for (menuCount = 1; menuCount <= maxNum; menuCount++)
cout << menuCount << ". " << menuDesc[menuCount] << " $" << menuPrice[menuCount];
if(menuCount % 2 == 0) //makes two objects per line
cout << endl;
bool RestaurantCheck::placeOrder() //prompts user to answer up to 5 choices w/ a SENTINEL value to stop ordering;
int input;
for(orderCount = 0; orderCount <= userLim; orderCount++)
cout << "Enter order #" << orderCount+1;
cin >> input;
switch (input) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
userChoice[input] = menuPrice[input]; //userchoice is added to array and subtotal is added
subtotal += menuPrice[input];
return true;
case 11:
return false;
//SENTINEL value. Order completes here.
return false;
return false;
return false;
double RestaurantCheck::calculateTax() //caluculates tax
subTax = subtotal * custTax;
return 0;
double RestaurantCheck::calculateTip() //calculates tips
subTip = subtotal * custTip;
return 0;
void RestaurantCheck::issueCheck() //displays items ordered, subtotal, tax, tip, and total
cout << "Customer Check" << endl;
int i; //temp loop counter
for (i = 1; i <= orderTotal; i++) //displays ordered items
cout << i << ". " << menuDesc[i] << " $" << menuPrice[i] << endl;
total = subtotal + subTax + subTip;
cout << subtotal;
cout << subTax;
cout << total;
//display subtotal/total/tax/tip
//display userchoice array with limit of ordertotal
Here are the errors I am getting:
1>Project7B.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static double RestaurantCheck::custTax" (?custTax@RestaurantCheck@@0NA)
1>RestaurantCheck.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: static double RestaurantCheck::custTax" (?custTax@RestaurantCheck@@0NA) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall std::allocator<char>::construct<char *,char * &>(char * *,char * &)" (??$construct@PADAAPAD@?$allocator@D@std@@QAEXPAPADAAPAD@Z)
1>RestaurantCheck.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static double const * const RestaurantCheck::menuPrice" (?menuPrice@RestaurantCheck@@2QBNB)
1>RestaurantCheck.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > const * const RestaurantCheck::menuDesc" (?menuDesc@RestaurantCheck@@2QBV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@B)
Any help is very much appreciated
First and most important: do not write this much code before testing any of it. Start small and simple, get something to work perfectly (even if it does nothing), add complexity a little at a time, test at every step and never add to code that doesn't work.
More specifically, look at your variable custTax
. You declare it in in RestaurantCheck.h
as a static member variable, but then define it incorrectly in RestaurantCheck.cpp
as a global variable
double custTax = 0;
The correct way is like this:
double RestaurantCheck::custTax = 0;
You seem to have similar problems with cistTip
, menuPrice
and menuDesc
Method definitions -- including constructor definitions -- belong in the source file (e.g. RestaurantCheck.cpp
), not in a header file (e.g. RestaurantCheck.h