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How to copy all the words in a paragraph and add each word # on delphi

Using Delphi 7, if I have some text like that shown in the lefthand window below, how could I extract all the words and punctuation in a paragraph and copy them to another window like that on the right, followed by a #?

enter image description here


  • If I'm understanding you correctly, you need what's called a "tokeniser" or "lexer".

    D7 comes with one built-in, in the Classes unit, misleadingly called TParser (misleadingly because parsing normally means the "grammatical analysis" step which may follow the tokenisation of the text, as happens f.i. in the operation of a compiler).

    Anyway, iirc, Delphi's TParser was intended to do things like process the text of DFM files, so will not necessarily split the text up exactly as you want, but it's a start. For example, when it tokenises ":=", it will return the ":" and "=" as two separate tokens, but, of course you are free to join them up again when NextToken/TokenString return these in succession. Btw, there are several alternative ways of implementing a tokeniser using classes in the freeware Jedi JCL and JVCL libraries, f.i.

    If the text window on the left of your q is in your own app, code like the following may do what you want:

    procedure TForm1.Tokenise;
      SS : TStringStream;
      TokenText : String;
      Parser : TParser;
      SS := TStringStream.Create(Memo1.Lines.Text);
      Parser := TParser.Create(SS);
        while Parser.Token <> #0 do begin
          TokenText :=  Parser.TokenString;
          Memo2.Lines.Add(TokenText + '#');

    If the text window is in another app, you would need a method of retrieving the text from it, too, of course.