I need a regex to match multiple email address separated by space(s) and/or puncts. The email addresses are into a string. I'm trying this, but it doesn't works
Text could be like this:
abcd@abcd.ef, abcd@abcd.ef abcd@abcd.ef
Or even like this
Lorem ipsum dolor sit abcd@abcd.ef amet, consectetur, abcd@abcd.ef, adipiscing elit. Vestibulum consectetur fringilla mi ac dignissim. Nulla at est quam. abcd@abcd.ef Sed enim.
you could replace the ^ and $ anchors with something that doesn't force the email to be both first and last in the line...
like \b (word boundry)
or nothing at all ?
or simply
since the {1} was restricting the number of emails you could match between ^ and $