Im refactoring my rest api server to use Flask-RESTful, and im having some doubt about some particular cases where i need to get a list of resources that belong to another. Some thing like this:
How would you design this? Because if I have a resource called Orders, I need to know from which user i have to get the orders from. But how can i let the resource know about the user? i dont see any __ init __ method where i can specify parameters to the resources.
I thought about doing something like this when registering the Orders resource:
api.add_resources(Orders, '/api/v1/users/<string:username>/orders')
But the how can i access the string:username in the Orders resource??
I guess one solution would be to do:
api.add_resources(Orders, '/api/v1/orders/')
and send query parameters specifying the user i want to get the orders from, but I wanted to know if its possible to do something like the above example.
Well, i finally got it. Here's the solution
Lets suppose we have a endpoint of users that can be looked by name, and the users have orders that can also be queried. orders query will be a generic thing, it would only need the corresponding query parameters, and will need to know on which user it will have to look for orders:
from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Api
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['DEBUG'] = True
from views import *
api = Api(app)
api.add_resource(OrdersQuery, '/api/v1/user/<string:name>/orders/query/')
And when defining the resources class:
class OrdersQuery(Resource):
def get(self, name):
## do something with name, like retrieving the user
## probably grab the orders and apply the query with the params from the url
return jsonify({
'result_list': [..something in here..]
As you can see, you are using the variable part of the url, the name of the user, for the query orders endpoint.