I'm working on a universal (XAML, not silverlight) WP8.1 application.
Tapping on a list item automatically shifts the full item into view. Say your list item is not completely showing, because some of it is scrolled off screen. Tapping on it (focus on list item) will scroll the item into view. See below for a video.
I’d like to disable this. I think this is the right property to set to False, but just a guess. Setting this to false doesn't seem to affect anything.
<ListView ScrollViewer.BringIntoViewOnFocusChange="false" ...
Here is a repro project https://www.dropbox.com/s/cx4o10zwybgfdzq/JumpListProject.zip?dl=0
IsItemClickEnabled = "True"
BringIntoViewOnFocusChanged does not need to be used. Still a mystery on what that property is used for.