I was wondering about a proper and elegant way to mark index which doesn't belong to a vector/an array. Let me show you a brief example showing what I mean (using some pseudocode phrases):
std::vector<**type**> vector;
int getIndex()
if (**user has selected something**)
return **index of the thing in our vector**;
} else
return -1;
int main()
int selectedItem = getIndex();
if (selectedItem<vector.size()) //checking if selected index is valid, -1 is not
**do something using selected object**
Of course I mean to use it in much more sophisticated way, but I hope the problem is shown in the example. Is it a good idea to mark an index which is not in a vector using -1 constans? It leads to a warning about comparing signed and unsigned values, but still it works as I want it to.
I don't want to check additionaly if my selectedItem variable is -1, that gives one additional, unnecessary condition. So is this a good solution or should I consider something else?
The most elegant way to indicate that something you're looking for wasn't found in a vector
is to use the C++ Standard Library facilities the way they were intended -- with iterator
std::vector<type>::iterator it = std::find (vec.begin(), vec.end(), something_to_find);
if (it != vec.end())
// we found it
// we didn't find it -- it's not there