Search code examples

Access Attribute from Current Group Part 2

A follow up to this question Access attribute from within current-grouping-key() xslt

I have my thousands of movies and many titles are the same -- sample code here

    <mediaList xmlns:xsi=""
   <movie id="1125898" dateCreated="2014-04-12" lastModified="2014-05-23">
      <title>127 Hours</title>
   <movie id="1155300" dateCreated="2014-04-12" lastModified="2014-05-23">
      <title>Lord Jim</title>
   <movie id="866019" dateCreated="2014-09-18">
   <movie id="811875" dateCreated="2014-04-12" lastModified="2014-05-23">
      <title>Escape from New York</title>
   <movie id="1340523" dateCreated="2014-04-12" lastModified="2014-05-23">
      <title>Escape from L.A.</title>
   <movie id="1108660" dateCreated="2014-04-13" lastModified="2014-05-23">
      <title>Black Cat Run</title>
   <movie id="910246" dateCreated="2014-09-17">
      <title differentiator="1990">Othello</title>
   <movie id="1324917" dateCreated="2014-04-13" lastModified="2014-05-28">
      <title>Police Story 2</title>
   <movie id="949534" dateCreated="2014-04-13" lastModified="2014-05-28">
      <title>Rambo: First Blood Part II</title>
  <movie id="910900" dateCreated="2014-09-14">
      <title differentiator="1965">Othello</title>

I make an effort when I enter a movie with a repeated title to add the @differentiator to the so as to keep them unique when sort -- but sometimes I may miss one, so I'm trying to write a template to find all titles which are the same, and then print ANY which do not ALREADY have a @differentiator.

I CAN do it with

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
    xmlns:xs="" version="2.0">
    <xsl:output method="html" indent="yes"/>

    <xsl:template match="/">
 <xsl:apply-templates select="mediaList/movie[title[not(@differentiator)] = ./following-sibling::movie/title[not(@differentiator)]] | mediaList/movie[title[not(@differentiator)] = ./preceding-sibling::movie/title[not(@differentiator)]]"/>

    <xsl:template match="movie">
            <xsl:value-of select="concat(title[1],year,' appears multiple times')"/>

but with thousands of's VERY inefficient!!

I know that similar to the linked question, there's SOME sneak of using concat(.,'_',@differentiator)

but the output would be ALL titles which appear more than once, and ALSO do not have @differentiator

please advise!


  • XSLT 2.0 has a grouping instruction so use that with e.g.

    <xsl:template match="/">
                      <xsl:for-each-group select="mediaList/movie" group-by="title">
                         <xsl:apply-templates select="current-group()[not(title/@differentiator)]"/>