I am building a text adventure in python and I would like to have my items affect things in the game, for example, a passageway is too dark to walk down, unless the player holds a lamp in their inventory.
What would be the best way to code this based off my code already?
---This is my rooms and directions to connecting rooms---
rooms = ["hallEnt", "hallMid", "snowRoom", "giantNature", "strangeWall", "riverBank"]
roomDirections = {
"hallMid":{"s":"snowRoom", "e":"giantNature", "w":"hallEnt"},
"giantNature":{"s":"strangeWall", "e":"riverBank", "w":"hallMid"},
"strangeWall":{"s":"hallOuter", "e":"riverBank", "n":"giantNature"},
"riverBank":{"e":"lilyOne", "w":"giantNature"},
"lilyOne":{"e":"lilyTwo", "w":"riverBank", "n":"riverBank", "s":"riverBank"},
"lilyTwo":{"e":"riverBank", "w":"lilyThree", "n":"riverBank", "s":"riverBank"},
"lilyThree":{"e":"riverBank", "w":"lilyFour", "n":"riverBank", "s":"riverBank"},
"lilyFour":{"e":"riverBank", "w":"treasureRoom", "n":"riverBank", "s":"riverBank"},
---and here are my items and their room locations.---
roomItems = {
Another example of my query, I dont want the player to be able to get from "hallMid" to "giantNature" by going (e)ast, unless they hold the "lamp" in their invItems.
You might want to look into using nested if statements that run each time you enter a room, especially if the effects are passive. Assuming you are storing the value of items with a 1 or 0, you could do this:
lamp = 0
rooms = ["hallEnt", "hallMid", "snowRoom", "giantNature", "strangeWall", "riverBank"]
room = rooms[0]
if lamp == 1:
connected_room = ["hallMid", "snowRoom"]
print "You are currently inside the " + room + "."
print "You can see " + connected_room[0] + " and " + connected_room[1] + " in the distance."
connected_room = ["snowRoom"]
print "You are currently inside the " + room + "."
print "You can see the " + connected_room[0] + " in the distance."