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WordPress Network install error

Reinstalling wordpress multisite

Warning: an existing wordpress network was detected.

I tried multiple solutions including dropping tables, resetting .htaccess and completely resetting wp_config. It installs fine the first time but when I log out and log in I get this error.


  • Follow the steps in this order

    1) Reset your wp-config.php file back to its original state, remove any MULTISITE references

    2) Delete the .htaccess file or move it temporarily

    3) Drop the following tables from your DB, use a tool like phpMyAdmin if you are not comfortable directly modifying table data

    • wp_blogs
    • wp_blog_versions
    • wp_registration_log
    • wp_site
    • wp_sitemeta
    • wp_signups
    • wp_sitecategories

    4) Log out and Log back into your site and initiate the Network Setup.

    5) Recreate the .htaccess file with the copy pasted data

    6) Modify the wp-config.php file, remember to paste those lines above the line where it says

    /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

    Step 6 is important see below :

    Also read :