Actually I am using devise for login and registration and its working fine, it send a confirmation email which is really good. But I need to send confirmation email in specific cases. I am passing user type in URL and on behalf of that I want to set mail. I have two type of users, one will be confirm their account their self reset of the users can not confirm their account only admin can approve their accounts. I have override the create method
def create
if params[:type]=='xyz
but it sends mail in both cases. Please tell where am wrong.
So according to devise confirmable module you can skip to send confirmation and email by following code.
def confirm_your_type_user_without_confirmation_email
# check your condition here and process the following
# condition may end here
Now lets call it on create hook.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
after_create :confirm_your_type_user_without_confirmation_email
for more reference you may check this: Devise Confirmable module
The solution should be something similar as I mentioned here above. And its best practice to avoid controller to handle these responsibilities, because its not something your controller should take. :) I hope my answer will give you some way to solve your problems! Thanks!