I have a Table whose DataSource is set to a IndexedContainer. I also have multiple selection enabled on my Table. The Question is, how do I get all the selected values.. as an array perhaps?
My IndexedContainer:
private void populateAnalyteTable () {
Analyte[] analytes = Analyte.getAnalytes();
for (Analyte analyte : analytes) {
Object id = ic_analytes.addItem();
ic_analytes.getContainerProperty(id, "ID").setValue(analyte.getId());
ic_analytes.getContainerProperty(id, "Analyte Name").setValue(analyte.getAnalyteName());
// Bind indexed container to table
What I'm eventually trying to get is an array of Analyte objects
Why do you want to use IndexContainer? Why don't you use BeanItemCotainer? Please find the snippet of code below
BeanItemContainer<Analyte> container = new BeanItemContainer<Analyte>(Analyte.class);
// Add some Properties of Analyte class that you want to be shown to user
table.setVisibleColumns(new Object[]{"ID","Analyte Name"});
//User selects Multiple Values, mind you this is an Unmodifiable Collection
Set<Analyte> selectedValues = (Set<Analyte>)table.getValue();
Please let me know in case it doesn't solve the issue