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Calculating the Modular Inverse in JavaScript

I am trying to take ed = 1 mod((p-1)(q-1)) and solve for d, just like the RSA algorithm.

e = 5, (p-1)*(q-1) = 249996

I've tried a lot of code in javascript such as:

function modInverse(){
var e = 5;
var p = 499;
var q = 503;
var d = e.modInverse((p-1) * (q-1));
DisplayResult(d, "privateKeyResultLabel")


function modInverse(){ 

I just can't figure out the correct way to solve for d, the modular inverse, in javascript.


  • I was just going through the definition of modular multiplicative inverse and from what I understand:

    ax = 1 (mod m)
    => m is a divisor of ax -1 and x is the inverse we are looking for
    => ax - 1 = q*m (where q is some integer)
    And the most important thing is gcd(a, m) = 1
    i.e. a and m are co-primes

    In your case:

    ed = 1 mod((p-1)(q-1)) //p, q and e are given 
    => ed - 1 = z*((p-1)(q-1)) //where z is some integer and we need to find d

    Again from the wikipedia entry, one can compute the modular inverse using the extended Euclidean GCD Algorithm which does the following:

    ax + by = g //where g = gcd(a,b) i.e. a and b are co-primes
    //The extended gcd algorithm gives us the value of x and y as well.

    In your case the equation would be something like this:

    ed - z*((p-1)(q-1)) = 1; //Compare it with the structure given above
    a -> e
    x -> d
    b -> (p-1)(q-1)
    y -> z

    So if we just apply that algorithm to this case, we will get the values of d and z.

    For ax + by = gcd(a,b), the extended gcd algorithm could look something like (source):

    function xgcd(a, b) { 
      if (b == 0) {
        return [1, 0, a];
      temp = xgcd(b, a % b);
      x = temp[0];
      y = temp[1];
      d = temp[2];
      return [y, x-y*Math.floor(a/b), d];

    This algorithm runs in time O(log(m)^2), assuming |a| < m, and is generally more efficient than exponentiation.

    I don't know if there is an inbuilt function for this in javascript. I doubt if there is, and I am a fan of algorithms, so I thought you might want to give this approach a try. You can fiddle with it and change it to handle your range of values and I hope it gets you started in the right direction.