Wanted to know, is it possible to edit, how RubyMine reformats code, so that code like this:
some_object = {
:long_named_item => 'value',
:short_item => 'value'
user = User.create!({
:nickname => 'value',
:age => 18
gets reformated like this:
some_object = {
:long_named_item => 'value',
:short_item => 'value'
user = User.create!({
:nickname => 'value',
:age => 18
or, even with js:
var some_variable = {
'long_named_item': 'value',
'short_item': 'value'
var some_variable = {
'long_named_item': 'value',
'short_item': 'value'
Notice the spacing between hash item name and value
My friend said, that SublimeText does this with python code, so wanted to know, is this possible in RubyMine.
After looking at formatting options in RubyMine, i found exactly, what i wanted.. For Javascript, the value i had to chose for "Align object properties" was "on value" And for Ruby i had to tick option "Align right parts of assigments or hashes"
Both were under:
Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Code Style | YOUR_LANGUAGE | Other
Thanks to LazyOne