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kurento: How record webcam to both webm and mp4 recordendpoint?

i modified kurento's one2many tutorial ( examples to record the webcam stream to a mp4 or webm file like in below.

Here i commented out the RecorderEndpoint writing the mp4.

My question is, how can i write both files (webm and mp4) from just one WebRtcEndpoint? I thought about using DispatcherOneToMany ( but setSource needs a HubPort which i didn't get to work with my WebRtcEndpoint masterWebRtc. So how can i dispatch the masterWebRtc to two RecorderEndpoint's?

Thanks for any help.

private synchronized void master(WebSocketSession session,
        JsonObject jsonMessage) throws IOException {
    if (masterUserSession == null) {
        masterUserSession = new UserSession(session);

        pipeline = kurento.createMediaPipeline();
        masterUserSession.setWebRtcEndpoint(new WebRtcEndpoint.Builder(

        WebRtcEndpoint masterWebRtc = masterUserSession.getWebRtcEndpoint();
        String sdpOffer = jsonMessage.getAsJsonPrimitive("sdpOffer")
        String sdpAnswer = masterWebRtc.processOffer(sdpOffer);

        JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
        response.addProperty("id", "masterResponse");
        response.addProperty("response", "accepted");
        response.addProperty("sdpAnswer", sdpAnswer);

        //RecorderEndpoint recorderEndpoint =  new RecorderEndpoint.Builder(pipeline,"file:///tmp/recording.mp4").withMediaProfile(MediaProfileSpecType.MP4).build();
       RecorderEndpoint recorderEndpoint =  new RecorderEndpoint.Builder(pipeline,"file:///tmp/recording.webm").withMediaProfile(MediaProfileSpecType.WEBM).build();

    } else {
        JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
        response.addProperty("id", "masterResponse");
        response.addProperty("response", "rejected");
                "Another user is currently acting as sender. Try again later ...");
        session.sendMessage(new TextMessage(response.toString()));


  • In Kurento, all media elements are "one-to-many" meaning that you can connect a source media element to as many sink media elements as you want. Following you code:

    RecorderEndpoint recorderEndpointA =  new RecorderEndpoint.Builder(pipeline,"file:///tmp/recording.mp4").withMediaProfile(MediaProfileSpecType.MP4).build();
    RecorderEndpoint recorderEndpointB =  new RecorderEndpoint.Builder(pipeline,"file:///tmp/recording.webm").withMediaProfile(MediaProfileSpecType.WEBM).build();
    masterWebRtc.connect(recorderEndpointA); //masterWebRtc is source, recorderEndpointA is sink
    masterWebRtc.connect(recorderEndpointB); //masterWebRtc is source, recorderEndpointB is sink
    //you could connect masterWebRtc to other additional elements here if you want.