I've got a huge graph with typed edge (i.e. edge with a type property). Say
typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, vertex_prop, edge_prop> Graph;
The "type" of the edge is a member of edge_prop and has a value in {A,B,C,D},
I'd like to run the breadth first search algorithm considering only edges of type A or B.
How would you do that?
Finally I think the boost::graph way to do this is to use boost:filtered_graph and demo for usage
"The filtered_graph class template is an adaptor that creates a filtered view of a graph. The predicate function objects determine which edges and vertices of the original graph will show up in the filtered graph."
Thus, you can provide a edge (or vertex) filtering functor base on a property_map. In my case I'm using internal bundled properties. See Properties maps from bundled properties.