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Set LESS font variable using multiple font fields

I have a list of fonts that I'm pulling in from Google's CDN. They list documentation here but I'm having issues setting up the semibold italic styles. Is there a way to make this work?

<link href=',600italic,400,300,600' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
@semibold: "Open Sans:600", sans-serif;
@semibold-italic: "Open Sans:600italic", sans-serif;
@light: "Open Sans:300", sans-serif;

I know that I can set the font-weight and style in font-face.

How can I include everything in my variable declaration?


  • I'm not too familiar with how Google Fonts works, but maybe a mixin would be a decent alternative for you.

    .semibold {
        font-family: 'Font', 'Font B', 'Font C';
        font-weight: 500;
        font-style: normal;
    div {