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PDF annotations not saved

I have an issue with PSPDFKit. The problem is the following:

I have an array of annotations. I need to add them to the pdf document.

    PSPDFDocument *newDocument = [PSPDFDocument documentWithURL:someURL];
    newDocument.delegate = self;

    [newDocument addAnnotations:annotations];
    [newDocument saveAnnotationsWithError:nil];

    NSError *error;
    if (![[PSPDFProcessor defaultProcessor] generatePDFFromDocument:newDocument
                                                         pageRanges:@[[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, newDocument.pageCount)]]
        NSLog(@"%@", error);

For testing purposes I add annotations only to the first page. After I have added annotations I can write

NSArray *array = [newDocument annotationsForPage:0 type:PSPDFAnnotationTypeAll];

And I receive same annotations that I've added. If I try to write this line of code after I have saved the document to file, I receive empty array. Also in the delegate method document:didSaveAnnotations: I receive empty array for annotations. I tried to saveAnnotationsWithCompletionBlock:, but I get empty annotations array there as well. Clearly, the document on the screen does not contain any annotations too.

Please, help me out. Thank you in advance.


  • You need to specify the 'options'

    @{kPSPDFProcessorAnnotationTypes : @(PSPDFAnnotationTypeAll)}

    in generatePDFFromDocument: