When I use a non dynamic name things works as expected:
summary(date1fit <- lm(masterdf.date[[1]]$LeastDiluteMPN~masterdf.date[[1]]$temp))
When I try to name the fit based on the [[i]] however I get errors stating "could not find function 'paste<-' " or " could not find function 'assign<-' ". I have tried the following:
summary(date.names[[i]] <- lm(masterdf.date[[1]]$LeastDiluteMPN~masterdf.date[[1]]$temp))
summary(paste(date.names[[i]]) <- lm(masterdf.date[[1]]$LeastDiluteMPN~masterdf.date[[1]]$temp))
summary(assign(date.names[[i]]) <- lm(masterdf.date[[1]]$LeastDiluteMPN~masterdf.date[[1]]$temp))
summary(assign(paste(date.names[[i]]), "", sep="")) <- lm(masterdf.date[[1]]$LeastDiluteMPN~masterdf.date[[1]]$temp))
Can anyone help me figure out where I'm going wrong here? What am I missing? Do I need nested loop? The full code I'm working with is below.
masterdf <- masterdf[order(as.Date(masterdf$date, format="%d/%m/%Y")),]
dates <- unique(masterdf$date)
masterdf.date <- list()
for(i in 1:length(dates)) {
masterdf.date[[i]] <- masterdf[masterdf$date==dates[i],]
date.names <- paste("date", dates, sep="")
summary(DYNAMIC NAME <- lm(masterdf.date[[1]]$LeastDiluteMPN~masterdf.date[[1]]$temp))
Why are you doing an assigment inside a summary? Ick. Do it in two steps:
> d=data.frame(x=1:10, y=runif(10))
> dmodel <- lm(y~x,data=d)
> summary(dmodel)
Then you can have a list and do:
for(i in 1:10){
d[[i]] = lm(....whatever...)
If you are crazy enough to want to do "dynamic names", then:
crazyname = paste("mad",i)
assign(crazyname, lm(y~x,data=d))