I want to respond to the opening of a bottom app bar in my Windows Store App. Elsewhere, I was advised that there is, indeed, and "Opened" event for it, but this:
<Page.BottomAppBar x:Name="bottomAppBar" Opened="bottomAppBar_Opened" >
...results in a red (unrecognized) "Opened", and the method name I entered does not generate a corresponding handler in the code-behind.
I want to be able to do something like this:
private void bottomAppBar_Opened(object sender, object e)
appbarbtnOpenPhotosets.Enabled = PhotraxSQLiteUtils.DatabaseContainsRecords();
appbarbtnCre8FilteredPhotoset.Enabled = appbarbtnOpenPhotosets.IsEnabled; // or call the
query again, if necessary
appbarbtnClearMap.Enabled = MapHasMarkers();
...but what event can I use, or how can I hook into the opening of the appbar?
And actually, giving the Page's BottomAppBar a name was not allowed, either.
Page.TopAppBar is an (attached) property, so you are trying to set a property on a property assignment. Moreover, as you see here, the child of Page.TopAppBar must be an AppBar object.
So, you should do the following
<AppBar Opened="...">
<!-- Here the AppBar's content -->