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How to mock ISerializable classes with Moq?

I'm completly new to Moq and now trying to create a mock for System.Reflection.Assembly class. I'm using this code:

var mockAssembly = new Mock<Assembly>(); 
mockAssembly.Setup( x => x.GetTypes() ).Returns( new Type[] { 
    typeof( Type1 ), 
    typeof( Type2 ) 
} );

But when I run tests I get next exception:

System.ArgumentException : The type System.Reflection.Assembly 
implements ISerializable, but failed to provide a deserialization 
Stack Trace: 
interfaces, ProxyGenerationOptions options) 
   at Castle.DynamicProxy.DefaultProxyBuilder.CreateClassProxy(Type 
classToProxy, Type[] additionalInterfacesToProxy, 
ProxyGenerationOptions options) 
   at Castle.DynamicProxy.ProxyGenerator.CreateClassProxy(Type 
classToProxy, Type[] additionalInterfacesToProxy, 
ProxyGenerationOptions options, Object[] constructorArguments, 
IInterceptor[] interceptors) 
   at Moq.Proxy.CastleProxyFactory.CreateProxy[T](ICallInterceptor 
interceptor, Type[] interfaces, Object[] arguments) 
   at Moq.Mock`1.<InitializeInstance>b__0() 
   at Moq.PexProtector.Invoke(Action action) 
   at Moq.Mock`1.InitializeInstance() 
   at Moq.Mock`1.OnGetObject() 
   at Moq.Mock`1.get_Object() 

Could you reccomend me the right way to mock ISerializable classes (like System.Reflection.Assembly) with Moq.

Thanks in advance!


  • The issue is not with ISerializable interface. You can mock ISerializable classes.

    Notice the exception message:

    The type System.Reflection.Assembly implements ISerializable, but failed to provide a deserialization constructor

    Problem is, that Assembly does not provide deserialization constructor.