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Hasql's session and IO

I wrote a function

app :: Request -> H.Session H.Postgres IO Response

which accepts web requests and builds responses (consulting the database as needed). To actually send out the responses I made a wrapper

runApp :: H.Postgres -> H.SessionSettings -> Application
runApp pg sess req respond =
  respond =<< H.session pg sess (app req)

I pass this function to Warp’s runSettings to loop forever and handle requests:

runSettings appSettings $ runApp pgSettings sessSettings

However this is really bad because it creates a new session for every request which defeats the purpose of the connection pool and prepared statements.

I would like to call runSettings inside H.session rather than the other way around. However runSettings has a signature Settings -> Application -> IO () and once inside IO I have lost access to the session. Is there a way to get back inside Session b m r?

This is a repost of a question from a private email.


  • Yes, in your example you create a new session for every request, which is unacceptable.

    First of all, Session is just and alias to the reader monad transformer, which gives you a direct access to the pool. So you can always do:

    session postgresSettings sessionSettings $ do
      -- session' :: H.Session b m r -> m r
      session' <- flip runReaderT <$> ask
      let runApp request respond = 
            respond =<< session' (app request)
      liftIO $ do
        -- run warp here 

    Secondly, ReaderT has a MonadBaseControl instance, which is intended for similar patterns.