I have an issue with Angular $resource. I use it with our API server with CORS enabled.
No matter what error code server returns (tried 500, 422, 409) resource always calls success callback.
Action in the controller:
@SpacePostsService.save { spaceId: @space._id }, @post, @_createSuccess, (errors)=>¬
@_createError(errors, form)
Where SpacePostsService:
SpacePostsService = $resource postsUrl, {},¬
isArray: true¬
method: 'GET'¬
responseType: 'json'¬
transformResponse: (data, headers)->¬
results = data.results || data¬
results = [results] unless _.isArray(results)¬
Does anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong?
PS. For readability purposes I didn't show all the code, SpacePostService is a factory and it's properly injected in to the controller.
Finally I've found the issue. It turns out I had global interceptor defined in other place:
AjaxInProgress =
request: (config)->
$rootScope.$broadcast 'ajax:in-progress'
response: (response)->
$rootScope.$broadcast 'ajax:finished'
responseError: (response)->
$rootScope.$broadcast 'ajax:finished'
return response
The last line in responseError
method is the most important one - because I didn't reject the promise so Angular thought I recovered from error and it called success callback in the $resource function. I changed last line in the AjaxInProgress to:
responseError: (response)->
$rootScope.$broadcast 'ajax:finished'
It solved the problem.
Thank you guys for your help.