I'm using SCons as a software construction tool. I want to untar a 3rd party software. I'm using UnTarBuilder to do it and the code is same as the one given here
This is a piece of my SConstruct file:
def tarContentsEmitter(target, source, env):
import tarfile
sourceTar = tarfile.open(source[0].name,'r')
tarContents = sourceTar.getmembers()
tarFileContents = filter(lambda tarEntry: tarEntry.isfile(), tarContents)
newTargets = map(tarInfoToNode, tarFileContents)
return (newTargets, source)
def tarInfoToNode(tarInfoObject):
return File(tarInfoObject.name)
def UnTar(target, source, env):
# Code to build "target" from "source" here
import tarfile
sourceTar = tarfile.open(source[0].name,'r')
return None
def UnTarString(target, source, env):
""" Information string for UnTar """
return 'Extracting %s' % os.path.basename
(str (source[0]))
unTarBuilder = Builder(action=SCons.Action.Action(UnTar, UnTarString),
env.Append(BUILDERS = {'UnTar' : unTarBuilder})
I'm getting the following error:
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 4 arguments (2 given):
File "/home/nikhil/mnt/work/trunk/SConstruct", line 100:
File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/Environment.py", line 259:
return MethodWrapper.__call__(self, target, source, *args, **kw)
File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/Environment.py", line 223:
return self.method(*nargs, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/Builder.py", line 632:
return self._execute(env, target, source, OverrideWarner(kw), ekw)
File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/Builder.py", line 553:
tlist, slist = self._create_nodes(env, target, source)
File "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/Builder.py", line 517:
target, source = self.emitter(target=tlist, source=slist, env=env)
File "/home/nikhil/mnt/work/trunk/SConstruct", line 75:
newTargets = map(tarInfoToNode, tarFileContents)
File "/home/nikhil/mnt/work/trunk/SConstruct", line 80:
return File(tarInfoObject.name)
I know that UnTar expects target and env but I'm not sure if I missed something else because they would've corrected in the link mentioned above since this is pretty trivial (I'm not a python guy)
takes 3 arguments and you are passing only 1 (source), you have to pass also "target" and "env".
The error says:
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 4 arguments (2 given):
is called automatically when you create an instance of a class, so in your case as soon you call UnTar() you get that error.
Anyway your code is incomplete, where does "env
" come from?