I have 2 table:
Table club:
id_club | club_name
2 | PSMS
3 | PSGC
Table match:
id_match | matchday | home | away
1 | 2013-10-10 | 1 | 2
2 | 2013-10-15 | 2 | 1
3 | 2014-11-15 | 3 | 1
4 | 2014-12-15 | 2 | 3
FK(home) REFERENCES club.id_club
FK(away) REFERENCES club.id_club
How I can create MySQL SELECT query for the result like this:
Matchday | Home | Away
2014-11-15 | PSGC | PERSIB
2014-12-15 | PSMS | PSGC
I had try this:
SELECT m.matchday, c.club_name as home, c.club_name as away
FROM match m join club c on m.home=c.id_club && m.away=c.id_club
WHERE year(matchday)=2014
But there is no result
I also tried this:
(SELECT matchday FROM match WHERE year(matchday)=2014) AS Matchday,
(SELECT c.club_name FROM club c JOIN match m ON m.home=c.id_club AND year(m.matchday)=2014) AS Home,
(SELECT c.club_name FROM club c JOIN match m ON m.away=c.id_club AND year(m.matchday)=2014) AS Away
But I get : #1242 - Subquery returns more than 1 row.
you need to join the club in the query twice. use different aliases.
SELECT m.matchday, h.club_name as home, aw.club_name as away
FROM match m join club h on m.home=h.id_club
join club aw on m.home=aw.id_club
WHERE year(matchday)=2014